Hi, I’m Anna!

I’m a content creator, copywriter, and singer/songwriter.

I laugh at my own jokes and can throw down coffee with the best of them (heavy cream please!)

I write to inspire and educate.

My mission is to showcase your company’s value and brand to your ideal customer/client in a way that is engaging, and dare I say, entertaining.

Let’s make this world a better place, together!



I’m committed to learning more about your target audience and writing content that speaks directly to them, encouraging brand recognition and loyalty.  Scroll down to see writing samples across styles, genres, and platforms for your next project:

  • Health & Wellness
  • Accounting & Finance
  • Website Copy & Design


Health & Wellness

15 Secret And Unexpected Ways To A Positive Self-Image


Discover how adopting healthier habits can have a positive on your self-esteem…

5 Simple Steps To Connect With Your Inner Beauty


Tap into your inner source of resilience and strength with this simple process…

10 Tips To Dress With Confidence ON Your Weight Loss Journey


Here’s how to overcome a style rut when you’re releasing weight and haven’t quite reached your goal yet…

Accounting & Finance

Top 3 Tips To Bullet-proof Your Biz IN Economic Uncertainty


How to ensure your business can endure when you’re feeling anxious about the unknown financial stress…

How To Detect Fraud On Business Banking Accounts in 2022


How crooks use technology and lack of awareness to steal from your business bank account…

What It’s Like to Work with a Virtual Bookkeeper


How to work with an online accounting consultant so you can free up more time serving your clients…

Website Copy & design

Copy & Design

Clean design and engaging copy help to make this site easy to navigate.


copy & design

Professional copy and clean design give potential leads a sense of the attention to detail and trustworthiness of this small business owner.

I’d love to talk more…

Email me at anna@annadajero.com
References upon request.